
The PES Education Foundation is happy to provide funding for much needed classroom technology, musical instruments, and other needed items requested by our teachers and the Media Center, including the following:

  • Computer mice, headphones, earmuff headphones and noise canceling headphones. This equipment–which will be available in every classroom–will facilitate an improved learning environment for our students, including helping with student success during county testing.

  • Additional instruments for the Instrumental Music program so that every student who wants to learn to play an instrument has the opportunity to do so.

  • Sensory tool kits that increase students' confidence and independence, ensuring they will engage more consistently in social and academic development.

  • Collaborative board games, which education research shows the positive impact that games have on critical thinking skills and student success.

  • Additional copies of  books that are student favorites and are checked out so often they need to be replaced regularly and greatly improves the collection at PES.

Current Actions

Shade Structure Update

The long awaited Shade Initiative is in full swing. We are pleased to announce that two shade structures have been erected over the small blacktop play area and playground nearest the school just in time for the school year to commence.

Additionally, a variety of trees will be planted during the dormant season this winter, and will provide shade to the rear play areas adjacent to the back field.

This shade initiative has been a long time coming, and we are so appreciative of your support and patience as we navigated this process. Without our generous families and surrounding community, this shade would not have been possible.

Security Updates

The PESEF continues to fund security for large events taking place outside the normal school hours, and sponsored by our school and related groups. Additionally, we have worked with the school Administration to identify equipment needs such as adding 10 walkie talkies to the school’s inventory. We continue to support additional requests as deemed necessary by the school.

Teacher Grant Program

At the spring 2023 100-Year Celebration, PES Education Foundation launched the Teacher Grant Program, which funds grants of up to $500 per academic year for PES teachers and professionals for projects that further the mission of the PES Education Foundation by enhancing the academic and extra-curricular experience of the students of Potomac Elementary School.

Thus far, PES Education Foundation has approved four grants for the 2023-24 academic year:

  • $500 for the purchase of series books for the media center. The series books are loved and checked out so often they need to be replaced regularly. These funds will greatly improve the collection at PES.

  • $500 for self-management kits for each classroom for the students to use in engaging in self management strategies, to regain emotional balance, focus, and availability for instruction. The self-management kits include visuals and sensory tools.

  • $300 for noise canceling headphones and sensory items for special education students to learn more effectively.

  • ​​$240 for the purchase of collaborative board games to be used in the third grade classroom. Collaborative board games not only promote critical thinking skills and creative thinking, but they also allow students to use and practice social skills. Education research shows the positive impact that games have on student success.

The Foundation is still accepting grant applications.  Please email with questions.